12/2023: AWS re:Invent 2023 - Sustainable architecture: Past, present, and future (SUS302)

Since the launch of the sustainability pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework in 2021, the attention to environmental sustainability has grown to a key nonfunctional requirement of cloud workloads. This session revisits the pillar and its best practices. Dive deep into mechanisms and tools customers use to establish visibility of the resource and energy efficiency of their architectures and how they identify and prioritize optimizations. Through customer examples and a demo, learn how you can build a sustainability showback mechanism for your application teams and drive change.

Watch the video.

10/2023: Start Spring Boot applications faster on AWS Fargate using SOCI

Sascha Möllering and I dive into techniques to launch Java applications in containers faster using Seekable OCI (SOCI).

Read the blog post.

8/2023: Measure and track cloud efficiency with sustainability proxy metrics

In this blog post series Katja Philipp, Jonas Bürkel, and I provide an overview on how to establish a sustainability proxy metrics showback mechanism for teams wanting to optimize their AWS usage for sustainability.

Read the blog post series:

7/2023: Experimental programmatic access to the AWS Customer Carbon Footprint Tool data

Together with Katja Philipp:

You can use the AWS Customer Carbon Footprint Tool to view estimates of the carbon emissions associated with your AWS products and services in the AWS Management Console. You can access the same AWS Customer Carbon Footprint Tool information by resembling the behavior of the console with this experimental script.

Check out the sample code.

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2/2023: Architecting for Sustainability at AWS re:Invent 2022

Thomas Burns and me wrote up a recap of sustainability related announcements and talks at AWS re:Invent 2022.

Read the blog post.

12/2022: AWS re:Invent 2022: Build a cost-, energy-, and resource-efficient compute environment (CMP204)

Together with Troy Gasaway (Arm) and Adam Boeglin (AWS):

Compute services make up the foundation of many workloads, bringing great opportunity for cost, energy, and resource optimization. With over 500 instance types, multiple purchase options, managed services, serverless, and container options, it’s easy to build what you need while minimizing costs, resources, and energy usage. In this session, learn about efficient compute environments, how they’re built, and how they reduce spend and carbon emissions.

Watch the video.

4/2022: Architecting for sustainability: a re:Invent 2021 recap

Margaret O’Toole and me wrote up a recap of sustainability related announcements and talks at AWS re:Invent 2021.

Read the blog post.

12/2021: AWS re:Invent 2021: Architecting for sustainability (ARC325)

Together with Drew Engelson (Starbucks) and Adrian Cockroft (Amazon):

AWS is focused on efficiency in every aspect of our infrastructure, and builders can accelerate the sustainability of their workloads through optimization and informed architecture patterns. This session dives deep into techniques recommended by the AWS Well-Architected Framework and provides direction on reducing the energy and carbon impact of AWS architectures. Learn about user patterns, software design, and AWS service considerations, which organizations of any size can apply to their workloads. As an example, discover how Starbucks optimized its Kubernetes cluster, increased spot usage, and focused on digital sustainability across the organization following an AWS sustainable architecture assessment.

Watch the video.

12/2021: AWS re:Invent 2021: Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit mit der Cloud (GER201)

German, together with Katja Philipp:

Jeder trägt die Verantwortung, seine Bedürfnisse so zu erfüllen, dass zukünftige Generationen nicht darin beeinträchtigt sind, ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen. Das ist Nachhaltigkeit. In dieser Session lernen Sie, wie die Cloud bei der Transformation zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit hilft. Wir betrachten dazu das Shared-Responsibility-Modell für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit. Wir zeigen, welche Architekturmuster und AWS-Dienste dabei helfen, Ihre Anwendungen auf Compute-, Speicher- und Netzwerkebene ressourceneffizient umzusetzen. Dazu beleuchten wir einen Mechanismus, der Dashboards mit KPIs erzeugt, so dass jedes Anwendungsteam seine Ressourcennutzung versteht und Verbesserungen angeht. Zuletzt zeigen Fallstudien, wie AWS-Kunden durch die Cloud ihre eigene Nachhaltigkeit und die ihrer Kunden verbessern.

Watch the video.

6/2021: AWS Summit EMEA 2021: Architekturmuster für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit in der Cloud (ARC00DE)

Leider steht das Video nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

5/2021: AWS Usage Queries

If you want to identify the top AWS usage in your AWS accounts the AWS Cost and Usage reports (CUR) have much of the data required. You can query the CUR data through Amazon Athena. This repository is an AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) template that bootstraps:

  • AWS Glue catalog metadata in your account to query the CUR
  • additional reference data you can use to enrich your queries - such as instance type information
  • common queries as AWS Glue views, e.g. EC2 instance vCPU hours by account and month

Check out the sample code, or deploy it from the AWS Serverless Application Repository.

Statistics of this application:

3/2021: Launch Amazon Elasticsearch Service with Fine-Grained Access Control and Amazon Cognito

This post describes the structure of an AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) template for the fully automated provisioning of Amazon ES with fine-grained access control and Amazon Cognito resources, as well as your first search index and Kibana dashboard.

Read the blog post, check out the sample code, or deploy it from the AWS Serverless Application Repository.

Statistics of this application:

12/2020: AWS re:Invent 2020: Ahead of time: Optimize your Java application on AWS Lambda (SVS408)

This session is intended for Java developers who like to optimize their applications on AWS Lambda. Join this session to learn various tweaks to improve all phases of the development lifecycle, at build, deploy, and runtime. The session revisits best practices from 25 years of Java as well as AWS Lambda tricks of today to reduce the cold start time, speed up execution, and improve monitoring.

Watch the video. Find the resources I referred to on the Serverless Land page of this talk for a deep dive into the optimization tricks.

AWS re:Invent 2020: Ahead of time: Optimize your Java application on AWS Lambda (SVS408) on YouTube

9/2020: Monitoring the Java Virtual Machine Garbage Collection on AWS Lambda

In this post, you learn how to emit and collect data to monitor the JVM garbage collector activity. Having this data, you can visualize out-of-memory situations of your applications in a Kibana dashboard. You gain actionable insights into your application’s memory consumption on AWS Lambda for troubleshooting and optimization.

Read the blog post, check out the sample code, or deploy it from the AWS Serverless Application Repository.

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7/2020: Verschlüsselung für Java-Entwickler

Published in the German JavaMagazin/ JAXenter: Bei Amazon Web Services empfehlen wir das Architekturprinzip „Encrypt Everything“. Es war selten so kostengünstig und einfach, eben dieses Prinzip auf hohem Standard zu verwenden, wie nun mit Cloud-Diensten. Dieser Artikel zeigt, wie Daten auf verschiedenen Ebenen verschlüsselt werden können – und welche AWS-Dienste diesbezüglich relevant sind. Dabei arbeiten wir uns von der einfachen One-Click-Lösung vor bis hin zur Verschlüsselung auf Feldebene in einer Datenbank.

Read the article.

6/2020: Optimize your Java application for AWS Lambda with Quarkus

In this blog post, Sascha Möllering and me examine the benefits of Quarkus in the context of AWS Lambda. Quarkus is a framework that uses the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK) with GraalVM and over 50 libraries like RESTEasy, Vertx, Hibernate, and Netty. This blog post shows you an effective approach for implementing a Java-based application and compiling it into a native-image through Quarkus.

Read the blog post or check out the sample code.

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4/2019: Amazon Corretto under the hood

Published together with Sascha Möllering in the German JavaMagazin/ JAXenter: Sowohl bei Kunden von Amazon Web Services als auch innerhalb von Amazon findet sich eine große Community von Java-Entwicklern. Amazon unterstützt diese Community zukünftig mit Amazon Corretto, einer kostenlosen, plattformübergreifenden Distribution von OpenJDK. Dieser Artikel gibt einen Einblick in die Vorteile und die Details von Amazon Corretto, das derzeit für Java 8 und Java 11 zur Verfügung steht.

Read the article.

12/2018: Analyze your Amazon CloudFront access logs at scale

This blog post shows you how you can restructure your Amazon CloudFront access logs storage to optimize the cost and performance for queries. It demonstrates common patterns that are also applicable to other sources of time series data.

Read the blog post in English or Japanese, check out the sample code, or deploy it from the AWS Serverless Application Repository.

Statistics of this application:

11/2018: Query your data in S3 with SQL and optimize for cost and performance

One of Big Data’s principles is to store raw data as long as possible - to be able to answer future questions. If the data is permanently stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), it can be queried at any time with Amazon Athena without spinning up a database.

This session shows step by step how the data should be structured so that both costs and response times are reduced when using Athena. The details and effects of compression, partitions, and column storage formats are compared. Finally, AWS Glue is used as a fully managed service for Extract Transform Load (ETL) to derive optimized views from the raw data for frequently issued queries.

Watch the video.

9/2018: Serverless Development

Published in the German JAVAPRO Magazine: Zu Beginn waren sie noch eine Kuriosität. Mittlerweile haben sich serverless applications so stark verbreitet, dass sich zu Beginn der Software-entwicklung häufig die Frage stellt: Kann ich meine Anwendung serverless entwickeln? Dieser Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die Vorteile dieses Architekturstils und erläutert, welche Besonderheiten und Möglichkeiten AWS Lambda für die Java-Welt bietet.

Read the article.

7/2018: Running Batch Workloads at Scale with Containers on AWS

Financial service customers run batch workloads for risk analysis or processing files by external data suppliers. Often jobs need to be run asynchronously at the end of the day, month, or year within relatively small batch windows. Not only is cloud a perfect fit because of scalability of compute resources, but also containers – as they allow you to run any logic that can be containerized. AWS Batch introduces batch primitives on top of ECS that provide all the necessary components for building a typical batch architecture. You can focus on your business logic while AWS Batch takes care of the job queue, scaling, instance provisioning, retries, and logging. It’s seamlessly integrated with Amazon EC2 Spot to get the job done as fast or cheap as possible. This session shows you the basics to implement your first batch job and also describes tricks for advanced orchestration of jobs.

Watch the video.

12/2016: Databases in AWS

Published in the Admin Magazine: We look at the variety of databases available in Amazon Web Services – from relational, to NoSQL, to data warehouses for petabytes of data.

Read the article in English or German.

6/2016: Secure AWS CodeCommit with Multi-Factor Authentication

This blog post shows you how to set up AWS CodeCommit if you want to enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your repository users. One of the most common reasons for using MFA for your AWS CodeCommit repository is to secure sensitive data or prevent accidental pushes to the repository that could trigger a sensitive change process.

Read the blog post.